Tech talent recruitment strategy

How to hire more than 1,000 tech talent in one year at one of largest sportswear manufacturers

Tech talent recruitment strategy consulting project

I am very happy to showcase my over five years worth of leadership experience that I gained in the past twelve months, leading my consulting project with one of largest sportswear manufacturer clients worldwide during my MBA at the University of Cambridge!

For my CIO-level project, I addressed how to hire more than 1,000 tech talent in 2022 by executing six-step talent recruitment program for one of largest sportswear manufacturer.

I developed six workstreams for the global tech talent recruitment program, identified four hiring and six post-hiring risks and derived ten mitigation strategies to attract and retain top tech talent.

1. Execute six workstreams

  • Implement six workstreams — from vision through HR transformation and enablement to inorganic growth

2. Manage four hiring and six post-hiring risks

  • Risks are related to capability and capacity as well as retention and development

3. Implement 10 mitigation strategies

  • Mitigate risks by C-level attention, continuous learning, borderless sourcing and agile reorg

Special thanks go to my sportswear manufacturer client and the interviewed CXOs!

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